Open science infrastructures, services, and tools
Open science infrastructures refer to shared research infrastructures (virtual or physical, including major scientific equipment or sets of instruments, knowledge-based resources such as collections, journals and open access publication platforms, repositories, archives and scientific data, current research information systems, open bibliometrics and scientometrics systems for assessing and analysing scientific domains, open computational and data manipulation service infrastructures that enable collaborative and multidisciplinary data analysis and digital infrastructures) that are needed to support open science and serve the needs of different communities.
Open labs, open science platforms and repositories for publications, research data and source codes, software forges and virtual research environments, and digital research services, in particular those that allow to identify unambiguously scientific objects by persistent unique identifiers (e.g. DOI, Handle, ORCID, ROR), are among the critical components of open science infrastructures, which provide essential open and standardized services to manage and provide access, portability, analysis and federation of data, scientific literature, thematic science priorities or community engagement.
Open science infrastructure guidelines in the UNESCO Recommendation:
- Open science infrastructures are often the result of community-building efforts, which are crucial for their long-term sustainability and therefore should be not-for-profit and guarantee permanent and unrestricted access to all public to the largest extent possible.
- Encourage as far as possible, the use of open-source software and source code.
- Open science infrastructures could be supported by direct funding and through an earmarked percentage of each funded grant.
European Open Science Cloud
The ambition of the European Open Science Cloud (EOSC) is to provide European researchers, innovators, companies and citizens with a federated and open multi-disciplinary environment where they can publish, find and reuse data and all other digital objects produced along the research life cycle (e.g., methods, software and publications), tools and services for research, innovation and educational purposes. The EOSC is recognized by the Council of the European Union among the 20 actions of the ERA policy agenda 2022-2024 with the specific objective to deepen open science practices in Europe. Full deployment of the EOSC will lead to higher research productivity, new insights, and innovations, as well as improved reproducibility and trust in science. Information Society Development Institute is the mandated EOSC organization in Moldova.
The National Strategy for the Development of the Digital Moldova Information Society 2020 includes the Programme on the creation, development and capitalization of digital content: digital data centers / repositories for local content, development of open data portal, digitization of cultural and scientific heritage and providing access to it.
Open access to scientific publications
Research data management and open data
Advancing research assessment and implementation of open science
Open peer review